

Why Is Periodontal
Maintenance Necessary?

A to Z: Periodontal Maintenance Beverly Hills

The tooth is one part of the body that if not well taken care of will not only make your life rather miserable, but will also reduce your self-esteem, and as a result reduce your confidence and performance in the long run. The reason as to why a considerable percentage of the population suffers from tooth problem is because of gum disease, and this is a massive threat in the states at the moment with nearly a 70 million adults and the young ones in the states alone living with this condition. What a majority of this population is not aware of is that the gum disease is not only treatable, but also it can be cured, and is at the same time very preventable.

The procedure of cleaning the teeth and maintaining them to the perfect condition is what is referred to as our Beverly Hills periodontal maintenance. It is one of the most essential procedures that will go a long way in altering the development of periodontal disease.

Causes of
Periodontal Disease

Periodontitis occurs when the bacteria from the gum tissue that sits around gums and on the teeth, be it the bottom or the upper row, which causes severe inflammation and irritation. This can result in some changes the body makes to try to combat the infection.

The body will then begin to destroy the gum and the bone tissue to get rid of what may be the cause of the infection – the tooth. If enough bone loss occurs, the teeth can become loose and fall out eventually. This infection can also affect create other issues in the body.

Important Reasons for Periodontal Maintenance Beverly Hills

Periodontal maintenance is not only necessary, but one of the surest ways to ensure that the teeth and gums are in excellent health and at the same time make sure that the gum disease does not affect the other parts of the body.

If you’d like more information about our periodontal maintenance Beverly Hills periodontist, Dr. Raanan, can answer any questions during a consultation. Give us a call!

Some of the critical benefits of periodontal maintenance are as follows:

1. It removes tartar

The plaque that occasionally develops and grows on both gums in the mouth is what causes a lot of problems if they are ignored and not treated at the right time. The daily hygiene of cleaning the mouth and brushing of the teeth will not be able to get rid of the same. You will need a professional hygienist or periodontist using professional teeth cleaning tools to remove this.

The brushing alone is not enough to get rid of the debris and bacteria that are so much deposited in the gum pocket. This can only be done by the qualified dentist who has a specialized machine that can identify and treat not only the tarter, but also the plague that has already built up in the mouth around the teeth.

2. It’s good hygiene

As earlier mentioned it is tough for one to have the self-confidence if they are unable to smile and have a good time in the public because of how their mouth smell or the color of the teeth. The maintenance of the teeth will not only be able to clean it, but also bring back the smile of an individual as well as the confidence that has been lacking.

3. Fresher breath

The same applies to the fresh breath of the mouth. Regardless of how often one brushes and cleans the mouth, there is some smell that will not go away unless the gums are well treated and thoroughly cleaned. What causes the bad breath is usually the combination of the food particles that are generally located below the gum line and the bacteria and their waste byproducts. Consistent bad breath that won’t go away is called halitosis, and is only treatable by a dentist.

Steps for Periodontal Maintenance in Beverly Hills

The most popular time when this is done is during your regular dental visit because this is when the dentist will most likely notice the problems with your teeth and gums. Here are some of the steps for Prophylaxis:

1. The first cleaning is when your dentist thoroughly cleans the areas of your gum line that has been affected, by using scaling, root planing, and even ultrasonic tools to remove plaque and tartar.

Scaling and the root planing are typically done in two-quarters of the mouth at a time, or the whole mouth, depending on how comfortable you are and if your dentist is fine doing it that way. Sedation dentistry is available to make the process more comfortable.

2. The dentist will numb the treated area of the mouth and professionally ensure that the gum line is clean from all debris. This will be followed by the shaping of the roots of the tooth, this is done so as the places where the bacteria might collect in the future is well taken care of.

3. Medication is the next step that the dentist will ensure that you get. After scaling and root planing, antibiotic cream has to be placed in the gum pockets. The antibiotic is essential because they promote faster growth and healing in the pockets, and prevent further bacterial build-up.

4. The last and maybe final step of the whole process is the x-ray and examination. This routine procedure is very essential when it comes to revealing the extent of the damage done by the periodontal diseases and, in the future with other x-rays, the healing that occurred after the treatment. They can also show the dentist what areas might need more attention in the future.

5. The checkup is another step that your dentist will recommend. The checkups are vital because it is only then that the dentist will ensure that your healing process is going well and that you have not encountered any other problems. The visit will have to be regular, preferably every 3 months, so as the dentist will be in a position to monitor the healing of the gums and the status of the teeth.



This is one of the most common questions that have been asked about this procedure. What everyone needs to know is that Periodontitis is only diagnosed by the occurrence of periodontal pockets which usually are in the area where the gum has pulled away from the teeth, and the leading cause of this is because of the bacterial infection in the mouth. The bacterial infection can be witnessed by pain, redness and above all the swelling of the gum.

When this is not treated correctly, it can ultimately lead to tooth loss, lung diseases and in some occasion heart diseases as well.

There is no shortcut to getting rid of this other than the regular proper dental hygiene and regular visitation of the dentist if you think or have any suspicion that you might be suffering from Periodontitis. The visit to the dentist is a sure way to ensure that you get a proper diagnosis of the disease and regular checkup of the teeth hygiene.

Periodontal maintenance Beverly Hills has always been mistaken as the general cleaning of the teeth which is not the case. The regular cleaning of the teeth is typically referred to as prophylaxis when it comes to dental terms. The latter usually is very quick and faster than the Periodontal maintenance Beverly Hills, which takes some time because it is intensive.

The significant differences between the two are that while regular cleaning only removes the debris and articles above the gum line of teeth, periodontal maintenance is more of a deep dental cleaning that involved the scaling and root planning which have already been described earlier.

When the regular cleaning of the mouth removes the debris at or above the gum line, scaling and root planning is much more intensive as the dentist has to administer anesthetic so that they can be able to clean the below the gum line as well as shaping the root of the teeth with less pain.

When it comes to regular cleaning of the mouth, there is no set out procedure which is not the case with periodontal maintenance. The latter requires not only the antibiotic application, but also a lot of checkups and follow up as well as administering the pain relievers. It is vital to note that as for regular teeth cleaning, there is an inclusion of the teeth polishing as well.

The fact that Periodontitis is not a short-term problem, but a long-life issue, the treatment of the same should be done after every three months and this should go on for as long you are living. The first session of the procedure is when it is very aggressive, followed by a much friendlier period and dental hygiene practice. You will realize that the majority of the patients with less chronic issues resumes the genera; teeth cleaning habit after six months. It is vital to undergo this procedure as you have realized that without the procedure, there are very high chances of one getting the earlier mentioned diseases associated with the heart and the lungs.

It usually is advisable to follow the instructions of the dentist strictly if they ask you to come for deep cleaning it is wise not to skip the treatment or risk a much more severe problem of losing your teeth soon.

One should not be worried about the cost of the procedures and if you are worried to be keen to ask your dentist for any other financial options for periodontal maintenance. In the short run, the cost might be too much to handle. But you need to look at the whole picture and what you might be avoiding. If you undergo the same procedure, the cost is nothing compared to what you will encounter when treating some of the diseases that are associated with the gum disease developed in the body.

The best way to handle this whole procedure is by getting one of the best available dentists in the country at the moment. Dr. Raanan Is not only one of the qualified and very professional dentist that the country has to offer, but is also very ken at what he does when it comes to the whole procedure.

If you are looking to get the best value for your money and some professional services as well as advice, it is advisable to visit Dr. Raanan, Beverly Hills Periodontist, who will not only guarantee that you will be well taken care of but also give some of the best advice that is related to dental problems.

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