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Tooth extraction refers to the process of removing a tooth from the socket completely. This happens when the tooth is so much damaged and cannot serve its purpose in the body. When the tooth is so broken or damaged that no other corrective measure can be taken on it, the best step to be considered is to remove it. However, the removal should not be an option when it can still be repaired. Remember, once it is removed, there is no other way another tooth will erupt from its space.

Periodontist in Beverly Hills


There are basically two types of tooth extraction, and they are as follows:

Surgical extraction

This extraction is usually engaged when the teeth, which are being removed, are below the gum line. Some people take too long before they convince themselves that they should see the dentist. During this time, the affected teeth may start cracking and falling apart. The falling apart is not a good thing. The tooth may fall apart until what is left is hidden in the gums. There is no way such tooth can remain and must be removed through surgery.

Surgical extraction can, at times, be complicated and a general dentist may not have the necessary training to perform the procedure. An oral surgeon may likely need to step in. The doctor will have to make a small cut in the gum so that the tooth can have a space to come out. Alternatively, the tooth may have to be cut in half so that it can come out quickly.

Simple extraction

This method of extraction is just as simple as the name suggests. It’s done on teeth that have fully erupted. The dentist will only have to inject your gum so that it becomes numb. You will not feel much pain when it is being done. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist can use an object called an elevator to weaken the tooth. After loosening the tooth, he uses a forceps to remove the tooth. Actually, the tooth will come out very smoothly. It is expected to come out as a whole. In case it breaks, and a part is left in the gum, surgery extraction may have to be done.

Reasons for Needing a Tooth Extraction

Baby teeth not falling out on their own

The baby teeth should actually fall out on their own, so that the permanent ones can grow. However, there are some cases when the milk teeth fail to do so. At the same time, the permanent tooth may have started extruding. The two cannot be at the same socket. One has to leave for another. In such an instance, the baby teeth will have to be removed.

When another tooth has no room for growing

Human teeth usually grow in shifts. For instance, the incisors have to grow before the molars. There are some cases when the teeth which have developed don’t provide enough room for the new neighboring teeth to grow. There is no way you can ever stop a tooth from erupting. There will definitely be some conflict in the teeth. The dentist in most cases will opt to remove an adult tooth to give room for the new one.

Make room for braces

Some teeth conditions can only be solved using braces or aligners. To create space for the braces, there can be a need to remove the adjacent tooth for the sake of the braces. The dentist will be wise enough to really remove only the ones which truly need removal. The physical examination must be done to ensure that you don’t create more harm than before.

For the sake of head radiation

It is a challenging moment when one tells you that you need head radiation. However, some conditions cannot be solved very quickly. At times, the health condition has to get to this extent. In case it happens, the tooth on the radiation field will have to be removed to make it easy for the radiation to be done. Well, it is not sweet, but it is better to lose the teeth to have other delicate areas to be treated. If anything, the teeth can always be replaced by temporary once.

In the case of cancer infection

Getting affected with cancer may call for the removal of some teeth. Cancerous cells have a tendency of dividing very fast. The common problem that people are used to hearing is the loss of hair when someone is suffering from cancer. What happens is that the cancer drugs which are being taken usually weaken the immune system of the body. This can lead to infection of the teeth. If that happens, the solution is simply to extract the tooth.

Painful wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth removal usually happens when one is about twenty years. In a typical occasion, the wisdom teeth removal should go very smoothly. However, the teeth may at times painful or may come out when it is already decayed. If the wisdom teeth do not come out as expected, it should be removed before it affects the other teeth like the molars.

When to see the dentist after the tooth extraction

After your Beverly Hills tooth extraction, you may end up having side effects. Some of the side effects are very normal. They should not worry about you. However, some complications need a dentist’s attention.

Here are some of them:

Swelling of the cheeks

If you realize that your cheeks are swelling more than it was before the extraction was done, you need to see the dentist to at least find out what could be the problem. In regular instances, it is expected that the swelling will reduce. However, if it continues, you need to see your dentist. Maybe you are developing other new complications.

Extended numbness of the gums

Before the extraction, the gums are made to be numb so that you do not feel the pain. The numbness is however expected to fade away after some time, probably three to four hours. However, there can be instances when the gums remain numb for more than four hours after the extraction. If this happens, you need to contact the dentist. If not, another complication may arise.

Excessive bleeding

The area around the teeth where there has been an extraction may bleed, but the bleeding should stop after some time. If the bleeding goes for longer than expected, you need to let the dentist know. If anything, the bleeding should not go for more than 20 minutes after the extraction. You need to report this so that corrective measures can be taken.

When the extraction point becomes painful

After tooth extraction, it is expected that the region will be painful for some time. However, if the pain goes for long, it is advisable to see the dentist. It could be possible that you have developed a dry socket. If you don’t communicate about it, the dentist may not know. Once you communicate, the dentist can always recommend and administer the best solution.

Aftercare measures

Once you have been through the tooth extraction, you have a role to play. Here are the things you have to do for care:

Use mouthwash for cleaning

It may be challenging to engage teeth brushing after having an extraction. This does not mean that you have a reason to have bad breath. You can use mouthwash before the gum heals. As you do this, you can also gently clean your tongue using the mouthwash. After you have healed, you need to brush your teeth twice a day to prevent bad breath, which may be as a result of bleeding during the extraction.

Avoid eating sugary stuff

It would be unwise of you to chew on sweet stuff immediately after the tooth extraction. By doing this, you will merely be opening new doors for bacterial infection. If anything, you need to take a balanced diet to do away with the pain and also so that you heal faster. Also, avoid overly hot or cold beverages.

Take drinks only

Once you have your teeth extracted, try to take drinks only. This is because the area where extraction normally creates a hole in the gum. This hole is very sensitive, and it should not be exposed to anything in solid form. It is not easy to remove such particles from the hole. Now, failure to remove them once they get in means that the bacteria have a new ground to develop. Therefore, just take drinks until the wound has healed over. It is for your own good.

Possible risks associated with tooth extraction

As much as you are going for a tooth extraction to solve a problem, it is possible that some other risks can be experienced. The dentist has a role in keeping your welfare, but at times the risks are not avoidable. The most common hazards include:

Dry socket

This is the most common risk you can expect. It happens when the blood fails to clot in the right place, hence exposing the underlying bone to food and air. This risk can cause a lot of pain and in the end, lead to a bad odor. The risk is typically associated with people who smoke a lot. If you know you are a smoker, try to avoid smoking for three to seven days before tooth extraction.

Damage of the adjacent tooth

While removing a given tooth, the weakening process may interfere with the strength of the adjacent tooth. This is not planned, but it does happen. For the surgical extraction, it is possible that when the tooth to be removed is being divided into two for easy removal, the adjacent tooth may also be affected.

Incomplete extraction

When doing a simple removal, it is possible that when the tooth is being pulled out, part of it may remain in the gum. This happens mostly when the tooth being removed is badly decayed. Once it is left, it can cause other related complications. The solution is to engage surgical extraction which may add additional costs.



It is advisable to remove one tooth at a time in cases of tooth decay. However, when other reasons like cancer is involved, then more than one tooth can be removed at a go.

When you have severe swelling that is paining, the dentist may not opt for a tooth extraction at that time. You may have to take antibiotics so that the bacteria causing that swelling can be dealt with. After the pain and the swelling has reduced, the tooth can now be removed. If you’d like to find out if you’d be a good candidate for a tooth extraction Beverly Hills dentist, Dr. Justin Raanan, can address that and any other questions you have during a consultation. Give us a call today!

It is not a good idea to have a tooth extraction while you are pregnant. This is because of the risk of excessive bleeding after the removal. Therefore, unless it so calls for extraction, it can be avoided until you deliver. Antibiotics can help you get through until you finally give birth.

Well, there is some pain that you may feel after the extraction during the healing process. During the actual extraction process, you will be injected on the gum so that you do not feel any pain.

Tooth care is something that still needs to be taught at all levels of education. However, for one reason or another, you may end up having to go for tooth extraction. Beverly Hills periodontist, Dr. Raanan, is the best person you should be contacted to assist you in tooth extraction. He does that with lots of care so that you gain your smiling confidence again. Apart from removing your tooth, he will also advise you about dental hygiene and care. Do not hesitate to contact his office today on the website. Your dental health is our priority!

Dr. Justin Raanan, DDS.. MMSc. Periodontist

414 N Camden Dr Suite 1240, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

(310) 205-5315